Why The Name Legacy?
Many times when famous people pass on from this earth, the question is asked: what was his or her legacy? The question then comes to mind, what would the world, our family, co-workers, church friends, spouse or children say about us? What would be inscribed on your tombstone? What would your life stand for? What would people remember you for?
What is Legacy? Legacy is organizing the way you live your life so that you will be living a life that blesses other people and making an impact for generations to come. It is taking the responsibility to ensure that your relationship and resources will outlive and outlast your time here on earth. It is a ripple effect.
How you live and build your legacy and what you leave behind will determine the true worth of your life! Legacy is not just about what you have become, nor is it just about what you leave behind. It is about facing God and telling Him what you have done with what He has entrusted to you!
God has something special for each of our lives. He created us and has a unique purpose for every person. Here at Legacy we desire for people to discover the love of Jesus; allow Him to mend broken lives, build us up by discovering His plan and purpose for our lives and in turn reach out to others and give them hope.
Once we have a solid relationship with Jesus we cannot help but be…
Loving God
Loving Others
And Serving the World

The result: We will make a lasting impact for generations to come.
We can live a legacy now. Someday when we are long gone from this earth, people will not be concerned about the money we made, nor the college degrees we have earned. Instead, people will ask what kind of person we were.
With God, our lives will be fulfilled, and through Him, we will have made a difference. It will be a quality of life that is devoted to God living day by day for Him. The important question is, what will God say about my life?
You have one life, one heart.
What will you do with Yours?